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    Saturday, 15 October 2016

    Top 5 Benefit of Green Tea Leaves for Health

    In every house make a daily tea. Whether it is green tea or black tea and milk or tea. After becoming tea often we throw tea leaves in the dustbin. After use of Chapatti, We do not know what to do with Chapatti, so often people put tea leaves in the trash. Do you know these tea leaves can be used again, which is not only beneficial for your health but also useful for another purpose for home. Let us show you how we can re-use the tea leaves?

    Benefits of tea leaf

    1. Use of hair shine and luster to the Chapatti is extremely rewarding. It acts as a natural conditioner. Wash remain tea leaves and boil them in the water again. And use that water to clean your hair. Do this on regular basis u will see natural shine in your hair.

    2. Plants require time to time Fertilizer in the pot. The remaining Chapatti Wipe and you put in the pot. This will keep your plants healthy.

    3.  Another advantage Chapatti is that you make shiny things of wood goods. Boil remaining Chapatti in water and put in a bottle or spray bottle. Now it's clean wooden goods. It comes brilliant shine.

    4. Chapatti heals fast and works to fill injury. Tea leaves are antioxidant. First, you boil Chapatti and place it on the injury. Or you can wash damage and wounds area using Chapatti water. It also protects you from infection.

    5. Boil again remains tea leaves in water and wash Tin of ghee and oil from that water to clean it. This bin will continue to funk.
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    Item Reviewed: Top 5 Benefit of Green Tea Leaves for Health Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Gulshan Aggarwal
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